Thursday, 8 November 2012

Storyboard Animatic

Here is the animatic of the storyboards I have drawn up for the "When Balls Go Bad" animation. The basic idea at the moment is; my canine character trying to get the ball, the ball being let loose and starting a chain of reactions which quickly dismantles everything in the room, but the dog is then rewarded for his efforts with the ball and the biscuits that fall of the shelf! The room is still meant to be an 'inventor's' studio sort of room. I was originally thinking of a WW1-period theme for the setting (from W. Health Robinson's sketches) but I don't think this is really relevant/worthwhile for such a short animation so I have left that out. However, I wanted to have the bunting in there as it can fall off the wall easily and make the room at the end look more messy!
Anyway, here is the storyboard animatic to give a general idea of how the animation will flow, the timing and how the short narrative will progress. Now to move on to the actual animating!

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